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The Perfect Father’s Day Barbecue Menu!

Father’s Day is right around the corner, and if your Dad is like most other dads out there, a Father’s Day BBQ will be a winner! But this time, you’ll be grilling for him so he can sit back and relax while enjoying time spent with his family!

Check out the following awesome menu to serve at Father’s Day barbecue this year!

Juicy Steak

A barbecue wouldn’t be a barbecue without a good old fashioned grilled steak! To make sure that you grill the steak to perfection, make sure to choose a great cut and follow the simple instructions associated with the specific cut you select. Season the steak with salt and pepper, and keep some steak sauce handy in case your Dad wants to add a little kick to his meat!

Chicken Wings

Along with a little red meat, add some white meat to go with it. Chicken wings make the perfect side meat dish with steak, or even a tasty appetizer. You can even cook them in advance and just reheat them when it’s time to serve them. That way, you don’t have to be in front of the BBQ when you can be enjoying more time hands-free. Choose a cause that your dad loves, such as ranch, hot sauce, or traditional barbecue sauce.

Spicy Potato Salad

Another staple to outdoor barbecues, potato salad is a must. But you can kick things up a notch by adding some spicy chipotle seasoning. This is a great choice to add a little something extra because even those who aren’t fond of spicy foods will still likely find chipotle seasoning enjoyable. If you want to add even more spice, add a little hot sauce or chili seasoning!

Corn on the Cob

Simple, tasty and filling, corn on the cob is a great addition to any barbecue meal. If you’re serving a lot of people, consider boiling the corn beforehand so they’re already almost cooked, then add them to the grill for a few minutes afterward to char them a bit. They take up quite a bit of space on the barbecue, so doing this will help save a lot of space for your meats. Create a seasoning station with butter, salt, and some cayenne pepper.

Banana Splits

For dessert, go with a classic treat like banana splits! You can create a table dedicated specifically to this dish, and include halved bananas, vanilla ice cream, chocolate and caramel sauces, whipped cream, and some chocolate and candy sprinkles to add to the top!

Enjoy Father’s Day this year with your favourite guy!

By | June 7, 2016 4:29 pm | | 0 Comments

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