
Tips to Putting Together an Awesome Gift Basket

Gift baskets make it easy to show appreciation to a loved one, or to give as a gift for just about any occasion. Whether you want to put together something to give for an engagement party, graduation, wedding, birthday, baby shower, or any other special occasion, a gift basket is the ideal gift to give.

Here are some tips to putting together awesome gift baskets to give to friends and family.

1. Come Up With a Theme

The first thing you should do is decide what theme you’d like to give to your basket. You don’t want to just throw in any random item into the basket; instead, the items should reflect the occasion. For instance, if the gift is for a baby shower, include items like baby clothes, diapers, rattles, soothers, a baby book, or anything else related to that theme.

2. Decide on a Colour Scheme

Different colours evoke different feelings. And depending on the occasion, you’ll want to keep the colour scheme in line with your theme. Using the baby gift basket idea as an example, you’ll probably want to stick to pastel colours, like soft pink, baby blue, pale yellow, and whites. And if you know the gender of the baby, add the colour that’s most appropriate. If the baby is a girl, for instance, consider using pink as the dominant colour.

3. Vary the Sizes of Items

When you’re picking the times to add to the gift basket, vary the sizes to add a more pleasing layering effect. Make sure to use a good mixture of large, medium and small items. Or else you’ll be stuck with a gift basket filled with too many big items, or tiny little things that’ll just get lost in the mix. Continuing with the baby basket theme, mix different-sized items like a bag of diapers (large), baby bottles (medium), and soothers (small).

4. Add Filler

No matter how many things are filling the basket, you’ll need to add something to keep everything neatly together. You can use things like newspaper, tissue paper, basket grass, and even sand! Get creative!

5. Wrap it up!

Use a cello bag to neatly wrap the basket, and tie it together at the top with decorative ribbon. Don’t forget to add a tag that’s addressed to the gift recipient.

Order a Gift Basket Already Made

While making a gift basket can be fun, make things easier for yourself and order one already put together! At, we have gift baskets that come in virtually all themes. Visit today to browse our online showroom of gift baskets!

By | August 12, 2015 11:16 am | | 0 Comments

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